2001 • TREENOMY • 2024

Family Tree Maker

Start your free family tree today and discover your family history, Build your family tree for free with Treenomy and make amazing discoveries! make us a part of YOUR family history

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Treenomy Unlimited Combination

Treenomy the new home of your free family tree and family photos. Register for free and login to access your dashboard and start building your family tree. Make your family tree live with us and do not leave it just a memory hanging. Build it with everyone's participation and don't let anyone be forgotten.

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Treenomy Inside

2671+ Family Trees

Family Tree








Multiple Trees

Construction of up to three free family trees per account, with the option of mutual linking.

Multilingual Platform

Our website is available in multiple languages, allowing users to access and edit their family trees in the language of their choice.

Private & Public

One of the three free family trees can be set as private and accessed only with a password.

Account Deletion

At Treenomy, we offer the option to delete your account and related data without any conditions.

Information Accuracy

You can enter information about individuals in your family tree with a high level of detail.

Graphic Support

A wide selection of avatars is available if there is no possibility to upload actual photographs to the family tree.


easy scalable modern


Example creation of a Family Tree in DIN A1 59cm x 84cm format.

Printing Family Trees is possible in addition to the traditional A1, A2, A3, A4, and other formats, even in the large DIN A0 118.9cm x 84.1cm format. In addition to the option to choose different themes and backgrounds, you also have the ability to create a custom background color for the family tree. Scaling without loss of quality is possible up to 200% and depends on the selected theme or pattern.

Download - Rodoslov Nemanjica

Rodoslov Nemanjica [beige]

Dinastija Nemanjica v1

Download - Rodoslov Nemanjica

Rodoslov Nemanjica [red]

Dinastija Nemanjica v2


Large Selection Of Templates

Large selection of templates in various styles (vintage, antique, modern, and many others) can be chosen with a simple mouse click.
The background color, as well as the shape of the box containing information about a family tree member, is completely customizable according to your preferences.
The title of the family tree and a brief description of the genealogy can also be displayed on the tree or easily deactivated as needed.



With a simple click, you have the ability to transform your family tree into a beautiful book that you can easily print and share with other members of your family. The genealogical book provides a chronological overview of all members of your tree and is designed in such a way that even those who are not part of your family can easily create a complete family tree in a classic format. Exporting the family tree in PDF format allows you to print, save, and share your genealogical research in the form of a easily readable document. This practical format enables you to maintain clarity and share your discoveries with family and friends. You can convert your family tree into a printable PDF or simply share it via email or social media, allowing others to enjoy the rich heritage of your family. Learn how to easily create your family tree and bring to life the stories of your ancestors.

Download PDF Copy

Individual Solutions

We tailor our services to your unique requirements, creating stylized family trees based on your specific preferences, paying attention to the smallest details. If the standard free options do not meet your needs, we offer the creation of individual stylistic solutions for your family tree.

Customized Family Tree
Customized Free
... ...

This family tree is a demo version and purely fictional. All characters on this tree are a product of imagination and made up to showcase the appearance of our family trees. This version is for demonstration purposes only and is not based on real individuals or information.

Free & Easy

Treenomy family tree website provides a platform for families to create and share their family tree, photos, and stories. Users can collaborate with each other to build and expand their family history, and access basic features for free. In addition, the photobook creation tool allows users to create beautiful, personalized albums featuring their family photos and stories. This is a great way to preserve family memories and share them with future generations. However, advanced features may require a fee.


Regular Updating

We update existing features and work on implementing new ones.


Responsive Design

Compatibility on all devices and resolutions.


Chat Support

For users with an advanced account, always available.

Porodicno Stablo - Rodoslov

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